Simen Utvik Inderhaug


🇳🇴 Simen ble valgt som Webmaster på NFFs årsmøte i Harstad i 2022. Han hadde da vært lokal tillitsvalgt på Bardufoss siden 2016. Simen tok sin flygelederutdanning ved UNDAF i 2013, og OJT på Bardufoss TWR/APP frem til han sjekket ut i august 2015. I 2023 begynte han i ny stilling som flygeleder på Sola TWR/APP. Nå bor han i Stavanger med samboeren Aina og hunden Bjarne.

Simens rolle i styret er å ha kontroll på hjemmesiden og medlemsflyt.

🇬🇧 Simen was elected to the board on the norwegian annual meeting in 2022. He took his edjucation in the University of North Dakota in 2013, and his on the job training in Bardufoss TWR/APP in northern Norway. He got his license in 2015 and worked at Bardufoss until february of 2023. Then he moved to Stavanger, and now works at Stavanger Airport, Sola as a tower- and approach controller. He lives with his girlfriend Aina, and their dog Bjarne.

His role on the board is to assist the leader with sending out information to the members, and he is also responsible for the website.